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Генератор скрипта открытия окна с заданными параметрами Popup Wizard X PositionY Position Width(100 Min.)Height(80 Min.) UNIQUE box IDContent TextPut all of your content text in here.You can also place HTML code in here too, such as a picture: . Notice how a backslash must proceed every quotation (\") that appears in your HTML content. Content Background ColorContent Text Color Content Font Style SetTitle Text Titlebar Background ColorTitlebar Text Color Border ColorScrollbar Color(IE5.5+ only) Shadow ColorShown on Start? Draggable?Resizeable? OK for old browsers? Popup ONCEper browser session? To install this script, follow the steps below: Step 1: Paste the below code somewhere in between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags: <script language="JavaScript" src="popup.js"> //Popup box II (By Brian Gosselin at http://scriptasylum.com/bgaudiodr) //Modified slightly By Dynamic Drive //For full source, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com </script> Step 2: You now need to define and insert the codes for each popup you want to display. Use the wizard to create this code, then paste the result in the <BODY> section of your page, surrounded by window.onload=function{.....}. Here is an example: <script> window.onload=function(){ new popUp(200, 100, 300, 175, "Div", "This is a test", "white", "black", "bold 10pt sans-serif", "Title Bar", "navy", "white", "#dddddd", "gray", "black", true, true, true, true, false); } </script> Step 3: Finally, upload all the accompanying files that came with this .zip file (the .gif and popup.js files) to your server. Explanation of function new PopUp(.....) new popUp(left_position, top_position, width, height, id_of_box, content_text, content_bgcolor, content_text_color, content_font_stylestring, title_text, title_bgcolor, title_text_color, border_color, scrollbar_color, shadow_color, is_hidden_on_start, is_draggable, is_resizeable, show_old, sessioncontrol); left_position - Left pixel coordinate from left edge of browser window. Number. top_position - Top pixel coordinate from left edge of browser window. Number. width - Width of popup in pixels. Number. height - Height of popup in pixels. Number. id_of_box - Unique arbitrary ID value given to the popup. String. content_text - HTML string inside popup. Because the content is in string form, watch for syntax! String. content_bgcolor - Content area background color. Hex color triplet or valid color name string. content_text_color - Content text color, obviously. :) Hex color triplet or valid color name string. content_font_stylestring - Font style set using cascading stylesheet type syntax. Hex color triplet or valid color name string. title_text - Text to appear in the titlebar. String. title_bgcolor - Background color of the titlebar when active. Hex color triplet or valid color name string. title_text_color - Color of the titlebar text. Hex color triplet or valid color name string. border_color - Color of the popup borders. Hex color triplet or valid color name string. scrollbar_color - Color of the scrollbar (IE5.5 only) and the color of the titlebar when not active. Hex color triplet or valid color name string. shadow_color - Semi-transparent shadow color (IE5+, NS6+ only). Hex color triplet or valid color name string. is_hidden_on_start - Specifies whether the popup is initially "closed". true or false. is_draggable - Specifies whether popup is draggable. true or false. is_resizeable - Specifies whether popup is resizeable. If not, resize handle will not be present and the minimize and restore buttons will not work either. true or false. show_old - Specifies whether the popup will show up in "non-standards" browsers. The popup appears as normal windows in these types of browsers if this value is enabled. sessioncontrol - Specifies whether popup should pop up only ONCE per browser session, to minimize exposure to visitors. Default is "false". The neat thing about this script is that none of the popups have to be pre-defined. They can be created on-the-fly, just like the popup wizard above! But, if you do have pre-defined windows you wish to use, you'll have to create them once the page finishes loading. This is done by putting them in a window.onload event handler. The code would look something like: window.onload=function(){ new popUp(250, 50, 350, 175, "box1"... new popUp(250, 50, 350, 175, "box2"... } If you are using a link to create a popup, please read: Because a user can click a link repeatedly, the link you use to create the popup will be using the same id_of_box, which will not work. You must find some way of ensuring all popup id's are unique. Using a counter and appending the counter value to a base id string works well ( 'id' + 1 = 'id1' , 'id' + 2 = 'id2', and so on). Here is a quick script example: var counter=0; function createPopup(){ counter++; new popUp(50, 75, 200, 200, ('popupID'+counter), 'Content' , other parameters...); } This is why it may be better to have a popup predefined and use a link to make it appear instead of using a link to create a new one. Also, do NOT use any spaces in the ID name, errors will result. Errors will also appear if you use an invalid color name (such as "blakc"). You can avoid this by using hex color triplet values instead (ex: "#FFFFFF" instead of "white"), or make sure the color names you use are CSS approved. Miscellaneous: To close the popup, just click the box in the corner . This actually just "hides" the popup. They can also be hidden or shown again through 2 functions: hidebox(ID) and showbox(ID). ID is the ID of the popup you want to hide/show. Examples: <a href="javascript:showbox('Div_ID1')">Show Div_ID1</a> <a href="javascript:hidebox('Div_ID1')">Hide Div_ID1</a> The four links in the top left of this page use this method to close and re-open the 2 pre-defined popups on this page. Obviously, you cannot create links like this to control popups created dynamically because you dont know what their ID will be.
<script language="JavaScript" src="popup.js">
//Popup box II (By Brian Gosselin at http://scriptasylum.com/bgaudiodr) //Modified slightly By Dynamic Drive //For full source, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com
<script> window.onload=function(){ new popUp(200, 100, 300, 175, "Div", "This is a test", "white", "black", "bold 10pt sans-serif", "Title Bar", "navy", "white", "#dddddd", "gray", "black", true, true, true, true, false); } </script>
new popUp(left_position, top_position, width, height, id_of_box, content_text, content_bgcolor, content_text_color, content_font_stylestring, title_text, title_bgcolor, title_text_color, border_color, scrollbar_color, shadow_color, is_hidden_on_start, is_draggable, is_resizeable, show_old, sessioncontrol);
window.onload=function(){ new popUp(250, 50, 350, 175, "box1"... new popUp(250, 50, 350, 175, "box2"... }
var counter=0; function createPopup(){ counter++; new popUp(50, 75, 200, 200, ('popupID'+counter), 'Content' , other parameters...); }
<a href="javascript:showbox('Div_ID1')">Show Div_ID1</a> <a href="javascript:hidebox('Div_ID1')">Hide Div_ID1</a>