Библиотека Javascript SE@RCHER
SE@RCHER :::: Библиотека JAVASCRIPT TOP100 1997-2009
SE@RCHER :::: Библиотека JAVASCRIPT TOP100 1997-2009
SE@RCHER :::: Библиотека JAVASCRIPT TOP100 1997-2009

Цветовая палитра


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размер кода

IMPORTANT: Do not paste the code into tables or <DIV> and </DIV> tags or between any other container tags!

Step 5: Open your webpage and write the URL of your mapimage right into the <DIV> container below (red code):
<DIV style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;" ID="large"><IMG NAME="largepic" SRC="url_of_your_map.jpg"></DIV>

Step 6: Open your webpage, go to the top of the script and and configure the size and position of the elements (red code):

// // The value '5' means the thumbnailimage is 5 times smaller than the original image of your map.
// Set this value to your needs
var shrinkfactor=5

// left and top position of the zoomed image
// (distance to the left and top browser-margin, pixels)
var largeleft = 300
var largetop = 30

// left and top position of the thumbnailimage
// (distance to the left and top browser-margin, pixels)
var thumbleft = 30
var thumbtop = 30

// width and height of the enlarged image's sector (visible part, pixels)
var clipwidth = 240
var clipheight = 160

Step 7: Do you want to get rid of the horizontal scroll bar? Add the red code below into the <body>-tag:
<BODY style="width:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll">

Библиотека JAVASCRIPT 1997- Дизайн и сопровождение © SE@RCHER