Библиотека Javascript SE@RCHER
SE@RCHER :::: Библиотека JAVASCRIPT TOP100 1997-2009
SE@RCHER :::: Библиотека JAVASCRIPT TOP100 1997-2009
SE@RCHER :::: Библиотека JAVASCRIPT TOP100 1997-2009

Цветовая палитра


сейчас на сайте:

размер кода

Step 2: Enter a description of your website (no more than 150 characters):

Step 3: Enter keywords for your website (no more than 15 keywords):

Step 4: Enter the author of the website (webmaster):

Step 5: Click the button 'create META tags':

Step 6: Open your webpage, copy the code below and place it between <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags:

IMPORTANT: the code must be placed beween <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags of your webpage. See red sample-code below:
<TITLE>Your Web Page Title</TITLE>
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Your description comes here">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3">
<META NAME="author" CONTENT="Peter Smith">

The content of your webpage

Step 7: Repeat step 1 to step 6 for each webpage of your website!

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Библиотека JAVASCRIPT 1997- Дизайн и сопровождение © SE@RCHER