Библиотека Javascript SE@RCHER
SE@RCHER :::: Библиотека JAVASCRIPT TOP100 1997-2009
SE@RCHER :::: Библиотека JAVASCRIPT TOP100 1997-2009
SE@RCHER :::: Библиотека JAVASCRIPT TOP100 1997-2009

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'); win.document.close(); win.focus(); } function createIFrame(menu, forShadow) { // Thanks to Edson for this form element fix. // The based article is at (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;177378). var div; if (forShadow) div = menu.shadow; else div = menu.main; var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.style.backgroundColor = div.style.backgroundColor; iframe.style.position = div.style.position; iframe.style.left = div.offsetLeft; iframe.style.top = div.offsetTop; iframe.style.zIndex = div.style.zIndex - 100; iframe.style.height = div.offsetHeight; iframe.style.width = div.offsetWidth; iframe.frameBorder = 0; iframe.border = 0; iframe.src = ""; iframe.scrolling = "no"; iframe.style.visibility = div.style.visibility; document.body.appendChild(iframe); return iframe; } function floatMenu(scrWidth, scrHeight, mrgLeft, adjustNum) { if (this.isMainMenu) { var bodyWidth = 0, mrg = 0; if (docType) { mrg = mrgLeft + 10; bodyWidth = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0].offsetWidth; } else { mrg = 10; bodyWidth = document.body.scrollWidth; } if (adjustNum == 0 || adjustNum == 2) { var menuLeft = Math.ceil(this.main.offsetLeft + (screen.width - scrWidth)/2); this.main.style.left = Math.ceil(menuLeft - (screen.width - bodyWidth)/2 + mrg); this.iframe.style.left = this.main.offsetLeft; } if (adjustNum == 1 || adjustNum == 2) { this.main.style.top = this.main.offsetTop + (screen.height - scrHeight)/2; this.iframe.style.top = this.main.offsetTop; } if (this.hasShadow) { this.shadow.style.left = this.main.offsetLeft + this.sOffX; this.shadow.style.top = this.main.offsetTop + this.sOffY; this.siframe.style.left = this.shadow.offsetLeft; this.siframe.style.top = this.shadow.offsetTop; } window.onresize = new Function("location.reload();"); } } var menus = new Array();

Библиотека JAVASCRIPT 1997- Дизайн и сопровождение © SE@RCHER