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In the page loaded into the Iframe
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function init(){ var dataPassed = ''; if (location.search.length > 0) dataPassed = unescape(location.search.substring(1)); document.getElementById("display").innerHTML=dataPassed } // add onload="init()" to the opening BODY tag // --> </script> <div id="display"></div>
In the parent page
<a href="#null" onclick="window.frames['iframe_name'].location='page1.htm?Value within the link' ">Pass value to Iframe</a>
<iframe name="iframe_name"><iframe>
Referencing an Element
The following shows 4 examples of referencing elements in an iframe
Example 1.
Pass value of form element in parent page to form element in iframe page.
Coding on this page.
<form name=myform1> <input type=text name=text1 value="Type Something Here"> </form>
<iframe name="iframe_name" src="iframe1.htm" width=600 height=300></iframe>
<a href="#null" onclick="window.frames['iframe_name'].document.f2.t2.value = document.f1.t1.value">Click to move into iframe textbox.</a>
and then Click Here.
Example 2.
To Change the image inside the iframe.Mouseme Here
<a href"#null" onmouseover="window.frames['iframe_name'].document.img1.src='yourimage2.gif' " onmouseout="window.frames['iframe_name'].document.img1.src='yourimage1.gif' "</a>
Example 3.
To reference a DIV in the iframe Click Here.
<a href="#null" onclick="window.frames['iframe_name'].document.getElementById('display').innerHTML='Hi There' ">Click Here</a>
Example 4.
To reference the body of the document in the iframe Click Here.
<a href="#null" onclick="window.frames['iframe_name'].document.body.innerHTML='New contents' ">Click Here</a>